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Student Volunteer Success at Thinking Feet

Thinking Feet is a Charlotte-based company whose main focus is teaching students all over the U.S beyond what they learn in school. Often at times, students feel bored in class because it's the same repetitive material and their creativity juices aren't flowing. Through advanced math, coding, science, etc classes, students use their problem-solving skills and learn throughout the process.

They also host yearly Summer Camps and this year, through Galeega, they were able to gain student volunteers to help their program. Whether it be when making slime, or solving a Rubik's Cube, the volunteers were engaged and ready to help! At times, some volunteers became so engrossed in the class that they themselves were acting as students and were tinkering with the materials.

Many connections were made throughout this summer and we hope to continue using Galeega as a platform to sponsor similar activities! Thinking Feet:

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