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Chat for Your Life

Chat for Your Life

Shayla Lieu

Chat For Your Life (CFYL) empowers young women to express certain health-related issues they encounter in a fun, chat-based portal that contributes well-researched best and promising practices for achieving wellness. CFYL encourages young women to network through the use of technology and social media as mediums for sharing their perspectives and lived experiences in a safe and brave space.

Positions Available:


NC Competitive Programming Competition

NC Competitive Programming Competition

Nalini Dutt

The North Carolina Competitive Programming contest (NCCP) will be held online using the Hackerrank platform. The contest will have a variety of competitive programming problems with varying difficulty however most problems will be for beginners. A good resource to practice for the competition is doing previous USACO problems.

Positions Available:


Students Assist with Teacher's Websites

Students Assist with Teacher's Websites

Nalini Dutt

Students from middle school to high school will take responsibility in managing teachers' websites. They will have access to the Wix, Weebly, Google Sites, etc. and this will free up time for the teachers. The students will also be able to gain volunteer hours. Galeega will provide a team of leaders to teach the students basic functionalities and ensure that the students are prepared with the tasks given to them.

Positions Available:


Young Women's Health Conference

Young Women's Health Conference

Shayla Lieu

Young Women’s Health Conference is a Global Digital Health Initiative designed to gather young women and students of all backgrounds to learn about the importance of women’s health and life opportunities that are often ignored or unknown as well as the proper resources that can be utilized to benefit women.

Positions Available:


Your Teen Body

Your Teen Body

Arya Doshi

Your Teen Body is an organization committed to the affirmation of holistic health and, particularly, education about teen body image. We understand the myriad of obstacles that teens face which can lead to depression and anxiety, and more specifically eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and obesity.

Positions Available:


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